Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the site UsersPorn.com

Site Administration UsersPorn.com (hereinafter referred to as the Site) offers you services (services) The Site on the terms that are the subject of these Terms of Use of the Site.
To provide the "Password Recovery" service, you will need to confirm your phone number for free, and also, if desired, specify your E-mail.

1. It is prohibited

1.1 Registration of nicknames of an openly sexual nature, indecent, violating generally accepted norms of morality, insulting individual users or groups of users (on national, religious or other grounds);
1.2 Registration of nicknames for intentionally misleading users of the Site (Admin, Moderator, etc.), as well as cloning nicknames of other users;
1.3 Adding indecent images to your profile;
1.4 Registration of nicknames matching the names of famous people, collectives, trademarks, etc. Such nicknames can be deleted by the Site administration at the request of the copyright holder;
1.5 Use of obscene words;
1.6 Insults to other users;
1.7 Incitement of interethnic and interreligious enmity;
1.8 Purposeful cheating of any indicators (rating, number of comments, number of file downloads, etc.);
1.9 Indication of incorrect (upward) age in the questionnaire;
1.10 Mass mailing of messages without the consent of the Site Users;
1.11 Actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Site and its services or Users' personal pages;
1.12 Using automated scripts (programs) to collect information on the Site and/or interact with the Site and its services without special permission from the Site Administration;
1.13 Selling or transferring your account to another person. Such actions are considered by the administration as fraud;
1.14 In any way, including, but not limited to, by deception, abuse of trust, hacking, trying to gain access to the nickname and password of another user;
1.15 To carry out (attempt to obtain) access to any Services in any other way, except through the interface provided by the Site Administration

2. Placement of materials is prohibited

2.1 Pornographic nature, as well as video files and photos containing images of naked minors;
2.2 Materials containing scenes of cruelty and violence, images of death, etc.;
2.3 Violating generally accepted norms of morality and/or promoting any kind of sexual deviations;
2.4 Violating the rights of third parties;
2.5 Insulting individual users or groups of users on national, religious or other grounds;
2.6 Aimed at inciting ethnic and/or interreligious enmity;
2.7 Propagandizing Nazi symbols;
2.8 Containing a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it;
2.9 Promoting criminal activity or containing tips, instructions or guidelines for committing criminal acts;
2.10 Posting addresses, phone numbers, photo and video materials and other personal data of third parties without their consent;
2.11 Posting materials that contain threats, discredit, insult, discredit the honor and dignity or business reputation or violate the privacy of other users or third parties;
2.12 Placement of advertising information in any form in media files, messages, comments;
2.13 Placement of any materials for the purpose of commercial activity;
2.14 Placement of malicious files;
2.15 Posting of any materials that violate other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The Site Administration is not responsible

3.1 For the content of materials posted by users, their possible inconsistency with the current legislation or offensive nature;
3.2 For the quality of services, information, images or other materials published on the Site by users, and their possible non-compliance with generally accepted standards or user expectations;
3.3 For any direct or indirect damage and lost profits, even if it was the result of the use or inability to use the Site;
3.4 For the ways in which third parties use information within the Site;
3.5 For the reliability, quality and speed of the Site and for the safety of user materials.

4. The Site Administration reserves the right

4.1 Delete your account if you haven't logged in for 6 months;
4.2 Change (moderate) or delete any information published by you that violates the prohibitions established by these rules (including personal messages) without special notice;
4.3 Change (moderate) or delete any information published by you without special notice if the Administration considers this information undesirable for the Site;
4.4 Delete your account or restrict your access to any of the services of the Site in case of violation of the rules of use of the Site or the legislation of the Russian Federation;
4.5 Delete your account or restrict your access to any of the Site's services if the Administration finds that, in its opinion, you pose a threat to the Site and (or) its users;
4.6 The Administration is not responsible for any harm that may be caused to you by such actions.

5. Additional conditions

5.1 By posting information in any part of the Site, the User automatically grants the Administration, free of charge, a non-exclusive right to use it by copying, public performance, reproduction, processing, translation and distribution for the purposes of the Site or in connection with them, including for its popularization. For these purposes, the Administration may produce derivative works or insert User information as components in the appropriate collections, perform other actions that serve to achieve these goals.;
5.2 By posting user content through the use of our services, you grant each user of the Service a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to access and use your Content within the limits permitted by the functionality of the Service, including displaying it using the Service player on third-party sites using embed (iframe) technology, as well as authorizing the creation of temporary technical copies of content and video previews of such content.
5.3 The Terms of use of the Website may be changed by the Administration without any special notice. The current version of the Rules is located at: usersporn.com/info/rules/
5.4 The Site Administration recommends that users regularly check the terms of these Rules for their changes and/or additions. Continued use of the Site by the User after making changes and/or additions to these Rules means acceptance and consent of the user with such changes and/or additions.

6. Privacy Policy
6.1 Personal data

6.1.1 Email addresses are saved by us only if you register on our website. Your email address will only be used for the following purposes:
- for administrative purposes, for example, to notify of a violation of our Terms of Use;
- for notification of personal messages, updates, news, events, etc.;
- in order to restore the password to your account.
6.1.2 Without your permission, we do not have the right:
(a) make your email address visible to other Site visitors;
(b) use your email address for purposes other than those listed in clause 6.1.1;

6.2 Security

6.2.1 Personal data and other materials are posted by you on the Website under your responsibility.
We have taken appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security and ensure proper use of the information we collect online. Your personal data that is visible on the Site (for example, any public comments posted by you) is available to third parties, and you agree that these third parties will be able to copy this information to their sites or to other places.
6.2.2 Your personal data will be stored only for the time required for you to use the Site, and only for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.
6.2.3 To delete your data from the Site, you need to perform the account deletion procedure, which is available in the personal settings of the home page.
If you have any problems deleting your personal information, write to us by E-mail suрport@usersporn.com and we will help you solve them.

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Rules | support@usersporn.com
© Usersporn.com 2024